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Fort Worth Business Press - Featuring Kara Baker
Starting at 50: Depend on no one but yourself
Owning your own business, especially a small business, requires heart, especially when it will also ask you to put your entire soul into it. Baker was 50 and recently divorced as she watched the rise of what is known as the athleisure wear business and decided to open her own shop. After getting advice and help from a cousin who had dabbled in the business in their hometown of Longview, Baker opened the store in 2018. Read more here
Voyage Dallas Magazine
Meet Kara Baker of Move Athleisure in Fort Worth
Today we’d like to introduce you to Kara Baker. Thanks for sharing your story with us Kara. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there. - I was fortunate to be a stay at home Mom, but found myself searching for a new purpose in life. I realized that at this point in my life I needed to do something positive, and passionate about. However, I was not sure what that path might be. I have always loved fashion and interior design. I was also adamant about staying healthy, eating right, and of course integrating fitness into my daily routine. I had run a half marathon, and loved to spin, bike, and workout. Read more of Kara's great story here.